A man using AI eye scanning to unlock a door

Artificial intelligence

Harness powerful and emerging technology and reach the next level.

Unlock your potential with Datacom's artificial intelligence (AI) solutions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and emerging technology continues to evolve and find applications across various industries, enhancing productivity, efficiency and decision-making capabilities. Achieve your business goals faster, while growing sustainably with Datacom's AI solutions and services.

Our expertise includes conversational AI, machine learning, remote assistants and augmented reality and we have deep expertise in the technologies. Our processes take enterprise businesses from ideation to rapid prototyping, right through to testing and delivery with success.

A human head with a brain
Proven methodology
Human-centred design
Light Blue tick icon

Proven methodology

We enable organisations to navigate to technology that unlocks value through our Thinksmash® AI edition.

A human head with a brain
Proven methodology
Light Blue tick icon

Proven methodology

We enable organisations to navigate to technology that unlocks value through our Thinksmash® AI edition.



We bring creativity and imagination, based in real-world, technical know-how. Deliver innovative outcomes that breed value and results.

Human-centred design

Human-centred design

Human-centered AI will learn from human collaboration and input as it focuses on algorithms that exist in a human-based system. This means it will always be learning and improving while providing a good customer experience. 



Emerging technology and AI is a vast field that can be expensive. We help navigate you to everything you need and nothing you don’t.

Our expertise includes

AI Attitudes in Australia

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not new, but as uptake grows and businesses adopt more advanced, generative AI technologies, it is important to evaluate if we have the right governance in place to balance the risks and rewards. We also need a forward-looking approach from both industry and government to ensure Australia remains competitive.

Datacom commissioned a survey of 318 senior business leaders in Australia to understand rates of AI adoption, maturity of existing AI governance and security, appetite for AI-specific legislation and which sectors are seen to hold the greatest opportunities and risks for AI use.

Busy city scene with a blue overlay

Frequently asked questions

How does AI improve customer experience?

AI in customer experience improves customer satisfaction and operational efficiency in several ways. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide immediate responses to customer queries, ensuring 24/7 support and reducing customer wait times. By analysing vast amounts of data, AI helps businesses personalise recommendations and content, creating a more relevant and engaging experience. AI-driven analytics and sentiment analysis enable companies to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, allowing for better-targeted marketing efforts and product enhancements. Additionally, AI automates routine tasks, freeing up human agents to focus on complex issues, resulting in faster problem resolution and improved customer interactions. Overall, AI in customer experience leads to more efficient, responsive, and personalised interactions, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How can artificial intelligence help businesses gain competitive advantage?

Transforming customer experience with AI and automation can help businesses gain a competitive advantage in several ways. Firstly, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide instant, round-the-clock customer support, reducing response times and enhancing customer satisfaction. Secondly, AI-driven analytics and predictive modeling enable businesses to gain deeper insights into customer behavior, allowing for more precise targeting and personalisation of marketing efforts, ultimately increasing conversion rates and revenue. Additionally, automation streamlines internal processes, reducing operational costs and improving efficiency, which can be passed on to customers in the form of lower prices or better service. Furthermore, AI helps identify emerging market trends and competitive threats, allowing businesses to adapt and innovate faster, staying ahead of the competition. 

Useful links

  • Advanced analytics

    Propel your business into the future with advanced analytics techniques. Learn more
  • Data visualisation

    Get real-time insights with good data visualisation and modern tools. Learn more
  • Modern data platform

    Get the most from your data. Enjoy results and value right from the start. Learn more